Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Audre Lorde Hanging Fire: Anxiety of a Teenager Essay

The dominant emotion in the poem Hanging Fire by Audre Lorde is anxiety. This is the poem about the uncertainty of a girl in her maturity, who longs for adult guidance. The author uses several examples of imagery in the poem, but the most notable of them is the repetition – anxious repetition. The narrator in the poem is the fourteen-year old girl, who is worried about many things in her life, one of them is the color of her skin. This is a very important issue among the teenagers. In this case, the girl states that her skin â€Å"betrayed† her (Lorde 521). The repetition of girl’s thoughts is quite evident, and her tone of anxiety is thus conveyed to the reader. These thoughts are inherent to many teens, when they are concerned about the way of their awkward dancing, and that they have â€Å"nothing to wear† (Lorde 521). These thoughts of anxiety are intertwined with the narrator’s reference to momma, who is behind the closed door. This is a great depiction by the author of the unavailability of the mother to the teenager. The reader understands that the mother of the narrator does not care about her. The closed door is depicted literally (the door is closed) and figuratively (the mother is not open to her daughter). The repetition makes the emotion of anxiety so powerful, making a strong emphasis on that. This may be explained by the difficult relationship of Lorde with her mother. The narrator seems alone in this world, and the repetition about death expresses her worries about being unnecessary to anybody. Repetition clearly demonstrates to the reader the hard fate of the girl, who wants to convey that she needs someone around her so badly that those people do not even realize. Work Cited Lorde, Audre. The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde. New York, NY: Norton, 2000. Print.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Evaluate the Information Processing Models to Learning, Distingush the Main Features of the Multi-Store Model Essay

The main thrust of this assertion is to give an evaluation of the information processing models to learning and paying particular attention to features of the multi-store model. According to Ashcraft (1994) information processing model is a framework used by cognitive psychologists to explain and describe mental processes. The multi-stores model propounded by Atkinson and Shiffrin(1968) is a classic model of memory, which describes memory in terms of information flowing through a system. However the model is not without flaws, as it possesses weaknesses as show be critically analyzed in this evaluation. The information processing model concentrates on how information from the environment through the senses is processed and utilized by the brain.Schunk(1996) posits that the information processing models are various theoretical perspectives dealing with the sequence and execution of cognitive events, mainly focusing on how people react to environmentalstimuli, encode, store, and retrieve when needed. Thus giving the perspective that learners are active seekers and processers of information. The flow of information primarily can be traced from the environmental stimuli. These are raw facts and figures that we capture from the surrounding using our senses. A stimulus can move from our senses to the short register, when we pay attention to the stimulus, and thus our internal process begins. According to Baron (2001)learning becomes the process of commuting our symbolic representations to memory where there may be processed and the study of learning is primarily through the study of memor y The multi-store model is a classical model of memory which was suggest that memory is made up of a series or stores and information is processed and stored in three stages namely sensory, short term and long term memory. Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) describes memory in terms of flowing through a system. Information enters the sensory memory through detection environmental stimuli by the sense organs, then through the process of ‘attention’ and ‘perception’ moves to the short-term memory. Through rehearsal the information may be transferred to long term memory, and if not rehearsed it is then lost from short-term through the process of displacement or decayMcLeod,2007) Sensory memory is a brief store of information from the environment,maintaining a duration of a quarter to half of a second(Fieldman,2010) The sensory register picks up all the environmentalstimuli reaching our senses.The capacity of th sensory memory is quite large,although it only lasts for milliseconds, as it holdsinformation associated with the senses.If our working memory is relatively free of work,we might pay attention to the new input and if not, then we would not notice or we quickly forget the new information(Baddeley and Hitch,(1974). The other main feature of this model is the short-term memory,which is a temporary store for a limited amount of information and stores from a duration of 0 to 18 seconds,(Fieldman,2010). In this storage information is encoded mainly as echoic. Baron, (2001) postulates that short-term memory can handle about 7 objects at once, but this can be improved by chunking, which is the grouping of items into chunks and this information can be maintained by rehearsal or association of the information you are trying to remember with already existing knowledge.Therefore the short-term memory becomes vital as this is where consciousness exists and thinking is done. Long term memory is the third main feature of the model,which represents our permanent storehouse of information,and its capacity is unlimited(Ashcraft,1994). There are three categories of long term memory, semantic(for verbal information and meaning), episodic memory(for events) and procedural memory for how to do things. The prospect of information reaching the long term memory according to Driscoll(1994) depends upon the length of the message and familiarity of it with information already stored. The major strength of this model is based on its ability to set a foundation on other studies as memory studies provide evidence to support the distinction between short term and long time. Mcleod (2007) posits that the model is influential as it has generated a lot of research into memory. Furthermore, studies of amnesiacs also supported the essential of this model. This show the relevancy of the information processing model to learning as it is consistant with empirical findings and provides an excellent framework for understanding the principles of effective learning. The information processing model is also blamed for over simplifying facts and does not account for the type of information processed. The working memory is treated as a simple store of memory. This view is contradicted by Baddeley’s(2001) model of working memory which consists of three components, theexecutory loop, and visual spacial sketchpad,with uses which vary from selecting incoming information, determine processing and constructing meaning through inferences and subsequently transfer the processed information to long term or delete it from the memory system altogether.Therefore,despite that, the information processing model provides a conceptual model which explains the different functions and constrains on human memory it fails to recognize that the short term memory and long term are more complex than previously assumed. The interactions between short-term memory and long term memory were under emphasized and do not distinguish between levels in the long term memory,and of essence does not explain how the long term influences short term and sensory memory. Mcleod (2007) viewed the model as a one way or linear with rigid ways of operation, and also argues that rehearsal is too simple to account for the transfer of information. Schraw (2001) articulated that several useful terms have been developed to elaboratecognitive processing especially in working memory, for example the limited cognitive resources and attention resources, which help explain why there are differences between one learner and another.Therefore these and the fact that it is just a model and there is not really a way to prove its true, contributes to the view point that the information processing model has significant. In conclusion, the information processing model gives the three vital stages of information processing, which are greatly regarded in most recent studies as they have provided a framework for understanding principles of effective learning. Therefore despite the great number of flaws the model is quite significant. REFERENCE 1. Ashcraft,M.H (1996), Human Memory and Cognition, Harpercollins College :DIV 2. Atkinson, R. C., and Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes, New York: Academic Press. 3. Baddeley, A .D. and Hitch, G.(1974). Working memory, New York: Academic Press. 4. Baddeley,A.D.(1998).Human Memory,theory and Practice. Boston:Allyn and Bacon 5. Baron, R.A(2001) Psychology, New Delhi:Dorling Kindersley 6. Driscoll, M.P. (1994) Psychology Of Learning For Instruction, Boston:Allyn and Bacon 7. Fieldman,S.R (2010)Understanding Psychology,MacGraw-Hill 8. Schunk, D.H (1996) Learning theories(2nd edition) New Jersey;Merrill 9.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discussion Week 5 Question 1 Stock Options Chapter 8 Assignment

Discussion Week 5 Question 1 Stock Options Chapter 8 - Assignment Example Using Wal-Mart Company as an example, the company usually gives options to its employees. Each option covers a maximum of ten years from the time when it is granted. For those who at the time the option is granted own stock which represent 10% of the voting power in stock at the company, the term will not exceed five years. An employee can exercise an option when he gives notice to Wal-Mart and the company receives full payment for the option. An employee can exercise their option when their term ends as long as the option does not have restrictions. This can be done within sixty days. Options are transferable and are disposable to an immediate family; this is a â€Å"Permitted Transfer†. An option cannot is not transferable to another person other than through the â€Å"Permitted Transfer† or by the laws of distribution. The best way that the company can leverage stock options so as to offset employee compensation is by allowing employees to sell, transfer and dispose stock in the open market. This is because many employees see options as being part of their compensation and usually want to exercise them so as to get money. Restricting this to just family members is likely to make the options unattractive to employees. Employees should also be free to exercise the options at any time without following the process of notifying the company. This is because as they are in the process of notifying the company, they may miss out on making profits the moment that the stock prices go up in the stock

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ethical responsibilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ethical responsibilities - Essay Example 1), "There are many ways consumers can use their spending power to make a difference to the world." This notion refers directly to the manner in which consumers decide how to spend their personal budgets. In fact, the ethical decisions of consumers and the ethical decisions of businesses-or vice versa-go hand-in-hand. As such, there is quite a bit of overlapping that occurs between the two during the course of this discussion of ethical consumer behaviour (Vitell and James, 2005). At the Ethical Consumer Research Association (ECRA), we argue that the rise of ethical consumerism is closely connected to globalisation and the pressures this puts on democratic governments to avoid corporate regulation. So unless something occurs to reverse this process, we would certainly predict no early demise for ethical consumerism. Indeed, with few other ideas on the horizon which so directly address the social and environmental consequences of globalisation, most evidence points to increasing levels of activity in the field. Much of this will be focusing on improving the quality of information about ethical issues. Of crucial importance will be the development of governmental regulation of corporate disclosure, environmental claims, and general information availability. Independent monitoring of corporate ethical claims by accountants and pressure-groups will also flourish. Hopefully we will also see the current growth in ethical marketing by companies sustained and increas ed. One of the key features that distinguish ethical consumers from those who are not is whether or not each consumer believes he or she can make a difference in the world. There are some dramatic examples of consumer power that have happened in the past that help to illustrate this concept. One of these is the Esso boycott over climate change (Schroeder, 2002 and Irving, 2005). According to the work of Irving (2005, pg. 1), "For the last 30 years or so, multinational corporations have been trying to shape the decisions of elected governments to fit their vision of a global free market. And whilst governments have in most cases been pretty obliging, it is the ordinary people that buy their products who haven't been so convinced. The corporate vision of a morally barren future where only the strong survive and where money is the only measure of value was hardly going to meet with universal acclaim." There are a variety of ways in which consumers can make ethical decisions when they are deciding how to spend their personal budgets. Many consumers have done so in the past, and current and future spending of consumers can be based on the ethical examples that have been set for them before, as well as their own personal morals and values. According to Irving (2005, pg. 1), some of the particularly sensitive areas in which ethical consumer decisions should be made include the following: Animal welfare (live exports, free range, organic, endangered species, angling, dolphins, whaling, vegetarianism) Animal testing (cosmetics testing and other) The environment (timber, PVC, chlorine, ozone depletion, organic agriculture, out-of-town superstores) Fair trade and workers' rights (fair trade companies, clothes, sports shoes, toys, footballs, carpets, supermarkets, trade union campaigns) Oppressive regimes (South Africa, Burma, China

International fashion marketing Research Proposal

International fashion marketing - Research Proposal Example What are the competencies of the business that need outsourcing? Also, what is the importance of aggregation, adaptation, and arbitrage business strategies in the new market? As such, this are some of the questions that this case study seeks to answer. A concise conclusion on the same will also provide an insight on exploring new international markets. International marketing calls for a critical evaluation of the business’ ability to satisfy the customers’ needs. The business need to evaluate how capable it is in ensuring the achievement of this goal. In order to survive in the emerging markets therefore, the business needs to establish a strategic plan, customer strategy, growth strategy, improvement on technology strategy, customer strategy, and source of finance plans (PWC, 2014). In foreign markets for instance, the organization selling cosmetics can establish globalization business strategies to enable it to survive. The strategies include aggregation, adaptation, and arbitrage. Aggregation refers to duplication of domestic business model in the new international market so as to secure cost benefits when handling products in bulk. The strategy tends to focus largely on the economies of scale (Kluyver, n.d.). The technique seeks to achieve efficiency globally by increasing the level of standardization of the product and the production process (Kluyver, n.d.). Therefore, a manager of the firm ensures that the organization obtains economies of scale to enjoy the aggregation process. For the cosmetics, the business can achieve this through using the same distribution channel. Also, the business should use the same marketing mix in each country, have a standard website, and encourage ethnocentrism. Adaptation is a strategy that a business achieves by providing goods or services that are competitive and advantageous in the international markets. The technique enables a business to improve on

Saturday, July 27, 2019

One problem in our comunity ( miami) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

One problem in our comunity ( miami) - Essay Example Most of the work remains for improvement of conditions that teens pass through providing them with education and information regarding relationships and sexuality and improve reproductive and sexual health services (David, 2012) In Miami, local live births to mothers of age eighteen and under explained for eight percent of the entire births. Miami birth rates compared to teen girls dropped from 85 per one thousand to 51 in 2011. Both statewide and nationally, the sharpest decreases in the rates of teen births were noted for black teenagers. The rate of state births for black teenagers is dropped to 26% from the previous years. In spite of declines, Miami rates of birth in 2011 to mothers of age 18 years and below continue to increase in percentage of teenager births to black mothers 12% than the ratio to white mothers 6%. The Hispanic teen birth rates have not reflected the decline in the general birth rates. Miami birth rates for this group of teenagers have increased by 9% from 1991 ( The members of Miami should show awareness of the growing rate of teen pregnancy in high schools. The other goal is expressing need for a plan towards the reduction of teen pregnancy prevalence. Thirdly, is the development and implementation of the plan to reduce these pregnancies? Fourthly is the evaluation of success in meeting the planned goals and objectives. Lastly, is reporting teen pregnancy reduction rate. Determine: evaluate the following: teen pregnancy in Miami for the last two years; community demographics; attitudes towards teenager mothers and their young ones; programs in schools that work towards the welfare of the teen mothers; knowledge on sexuality and sex; attitude of the community on sex and effects of religious education of sex. Evaluation information should be used in the establishment of appropriate intervention. Performance: collect

Friday, July 26, 2019

Discussion questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion questions - Assignment Example There are some interrogation techniques that are more physical than lingual and this enhances the difference with interviews even further as interviews even though uses different methods such as telephone is still spoken (Gordon and Fleisher, 2010). Coercion and duress involve using psychological and emotional pressure and threats during interrogation process to try and force information from the suspects or get them to cooperate. This method is used when interview bring forth no useful information. Creating duress in a suspect only taints the process of interrogation as the suspect or prisoner refuses to cooperate once in emotional stress. Even if the prisoner was willing to cooperate at some point and willingly provide information, once subjected to psychological torture, they refuse to cooperate. Duress and coercion are used to gather particular information interrogators need or a confession they need to close the case. Using them only affects the credibility and in turn reliability of the information the suspect will provide as they may give the information needed to be heard not because it is the truth but simply to stop with the psychological and emotional torture. Application of these two cases means that the suspected criminals after being captured will not reveal any details of the crime. They refuse to tell anything to the interrogating officers because these two rights prevent them from saying anything that may incriminate them and which may later be used to send them to jail. These two rights as they are now are protected by the fifth amendment of the constitution and hence once they are established no interrogator using whatever techniques can force them to talk. This is frustrating to the interrogators who have to interrogate in front of lawyers who is simply pointless as the lawyer will advise the client not to talk or simply seek other avenues of getting the information from. Many people worldwide are

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How do you as an Early Years leader or potential Early Years leader Essay

How do you as an Early Years leader or potential Early Years leader demonstrate effective leadership to respond to the challenge - Essay Example Effective leadership is often deemed as quite an important element that is essential in the successful accomplishment of any particular goal. Basically, people understand a leader as a person who is followed by others for his/her ideals and strong principles. Leadership is also a concept of organising people and leading them towards meeting set targets of any particular work. In every domain of the society, the role and the importance of a leader are quite significant and can hardly be ignored. Some of the major roles of leaders include leading, commanding, guiding as well as influencing people (Daly & et. al., 2004). Similar to the importance of leadership in various domains of the society, its significance in the Early Year’s sector is also considered as quite vital. It will be worth mentioning in this regard that leadership in the early years is quite different and critical as compared to their importance in other sections of the society. Contextually, it would be vital to obtain a critical understanding of the concept, approach and characteristics of leadership in the Early Years sector. A leader in the Early Year’s sector plays an imperative role to provide a right direction to the children in their early stage of life and train them towards a better future. Their role in particular involves inspiring children and teenagers with the clear and precise vision that could enable them to face the challenges and changes that will be occurring inevitably in their life will as they keep growing (Janet, 2006). This study will primarily intend to demonstrate the various aspects of effective leadership that is essential with regard to deal with the challenges and changes usually emerging in this Early Year’s sector. In the process, the discussion will also evaluate the views and theories of various studies that are associated with the aspect of Early Year’s leadership and management. The paper will also highlight some of the challenges tha t prevail in the Early Year’s leadership sector and accordingly certain strategies will be developed to deal with the same. Discussion In the recent years, extensive research has been conducted on the early years of children and the impacts of the adults that are associated with them in their beginning stage of learning. Children in this age usually follow those people who are closely in association with them in their daily activities comprising education, play and other activities, which further influences their futuristic goals and vision in life. In this regard, the people associated with the children, who include parents and teachers, have a key role to play as Early Year’s leaders. Early Years Leadership and Management- Theories and Literature Children in their early years are often observed to be reluctant to perceive themselves as leaders or managers in the near future, certainly as they lack such a complex understanding as adolescents or adults. Correspondingly , the role of the Early Year’s leaders comes into existence. Leadership in the early years mainly

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Smart Perimeter Mapping Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Smart Perimeter Mapping - Assignment Example Some of the technologies in use include the use of smart perimeters that help in automating supervisionand monitoring of prisoner movements (South University, 2012). Introduction Smart perimeter mapping basically utilizes a combination of electronic equipment and technology such as closed circuit TV, biometric identification, and sensors to keep track of movement of inmates in and around the entire prison area (Bulman, 2008). With some of the systems, the prisoners have their biometric identification including their fingerprints, the electronic identification of their eyes and other unique identification features to monitor the movement of inmates. The tracking can also be done via bracelets or Radio Frequency Identification that the inmates wear or have and which are then monitored electronically to generate real time maps of where each inmate or prison officer is at at any given time. This sort of monitoring is useful in not only ensuing inmates do no get to unauthorized areas but also to guard against any prison breaks and detect any criminal or violent behavior (Bulman, 2008). 1. Smart perimeter mapping is a form of electronic monitoring of inmates in a prison that uses electronic sensors to produce real-time maps of movements and location of all inmates and prison wardens at the prison. The mapping is also used to check for any metallic or other objects that the prisoners may have on their person that may be used to harm others (Federal Bureau of Prisons, n.d.). This is done through monitoring their movement through metal and other detectors. In addition the monitors are also used to detect any other contraband items such as drugs that the inmates may be in possession of. The movement of the inmates is also monitored via monitoring stations where real-time maps of the position and location of everyone within the prison can be looked at. 2. This type of mapping will be used to monitor the movement of everyone within the prison area be they inmates, correcti onal officers or visitors. The mapping will be used to account for all the prisoners that are in the prison at any given time instead of relying on a person manually doing a count of the persons who are in the prison (Federal Bureau of Prisons, n.d.). The mapping will also be used to restrict access to certain parts of the prison for those who are not authorized to be in those areas. In addition the mapping will also be used to monitor the provision of services such as delivery of meals to the inmates, as well as the movement of the inmates to recreational or other areas of the prison. The type of mapping is essentially used to ensure that every one is accounted for and to monitor service delivery at the prisons (Federal Bureau of Prisons, n.d.). 2. A. The smart perimeter mapping will increase the security in the prison in that it will be used to detect any prisoners who may have weapons and other objects that may be harmful to themselves and others. By constantly monitoring the mov ement of prisoners through all doorways for example the system will ensure that one does not leave the dining are with a concealed knife for example and thus reduce or eliminate the possibility of the inmates carrying harmful objects on their person (Stowell, n.d.). The system by providing real time imaging of where

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Role of the Individual in the Legal Process Essay

The Role of the Individual in the Legal Process - Essay Example One weakness of jury trial is that decisions of a jury may be influenced by facts that not in issue and irrelevant to the trial. Sadly, personal issues, prejudices, and emotions play a role in deciding critical matters such as the right to liberty of murder suspects. Juror 7 best demonstrates this. He votes depending on how the result will affect the baseball game he has bought a ticket to. He is impatient, wants the trial to end quickly and doesn’t care whether the defendant is found guilty or not. He starts by guilty then changes to not guilty to quickly bring the trial to a conclusion. Jurors 3 and 5 are used to show prejudice. Juror 5 is accused by Juror 3 of voting out of sympathy for the suspect having grown up in a slum like him. In addition, Juror 3 is used to demonstrate how emotions influence jury decisions. He simply wants someone to be punished and opts for the boy to be found guilty and punished. He just says that the boy has got to burn and is slipping through th eir fingers. No profound analysis of evidence presented. Finally, Juror 10 demonstrates the role of prejudice. He simply believes that people raised in slums like the suspect have a propensity to commit crimes and on that basis, would have found the suspect guilty. In some juries, members do not have opinions of their own and only vote according to the reasoning of their friends. For example, Jurors 4, 10, and 12 alter votes according to Juror 8’s logic that the old woman would not have had her glasses on in bed and did not have sufficient time to wear them in order to see the suspect clearly. Some opinions are skewed as they bear no relationship with the facts in issue. It is revealed that juror three remained as the only juror with a guilty verdict due to a bad relationship with his son and nothing to do with the evidence in consideration. Apart from the weaknesses of a jury discussed above, a jury is capable of delivering a

Monday, July 22, 2019

Plato and Aristotle Essay Example for Free

Plato and Aristotle Essay 1. What are the major differences between Plato and Aristotle? Make sure you provide examples. Basically, Plato and Aristotle are highly different in their philosophical beliefs and their various teachings.   The main philosophy of Aristotle is to possess virtue in order to achieve the ultimate goal which is happiness. In order for people to possess virtue, he also believed that everything should be done in moderation only and not too sparse or too excessive. On the other hand, Plato used logic and dialogue as his main tools together with the aid of mathematics in order to arrive with rational conclusions so as to know the universal truth. Moreover, Aristotle strongly believed that acts of good must be habituated in order to become a virtue while Plato believed that merely knowing what is good is enough to be able to do good even without actually doing it. Another major difference between the two is their beliefs in metaphysics. Plato’s believed that there are higher or ideal forms that can only be acquired through knowledge while Aristotle believed that form and matter are inextricably bound and coexist. 2. Are you a Platonist or an Aristotelian? Provide specific examples to help illustrate your points. I am basically a Platonist simply because there are more of this teachings that are applicable today than Aristotle such as his theory of the universal ideal forms. For example, when looking for an ideal friend, that person I am searching for must possess the qualities that I desire. However, it is a well-known truth that there is no such thing as â€Å"perfect† or â€Å"ideal.† But since I know what an ideal friend is, I now have a pattern which I will use as a basis as I search for my ideal friend. I may not be able to find that person but I would definitely meet someone close to that, which is like the shadows that Plato described in the Allegory of the Cave. In addition, I know that the both the sky and a pair of blue jeans are both color blue. Although, in reality, they are not of the same color, I somehow have an idea of what blue is because it preexists in my mind.   Another reason that I also consider myself as a Platonist is because I do not believe in Aristotle’s idea that by possessing virtue, once can achieve happiness. For me, his belief is too idealistic, although his use of formal logic and scientific methods such as deduction and observation is still applicable today.

Multimedia learning proposes Essay Example for Free

Multimedia learning proposes Essay Multimedia learning proposes ways of going beyond the pure verbal messages which have been used in lectures and printed lessons for hundreds of years. Multimedia learning as Thomas Edison predicted has proved to be an effective method of teaching, has revolutionized our educational system and has supplanted the use of textbooks. Multimedia presentations are known to help learners. The newly developed multimedia technologies which incorporate simultaneous presentations of narration, images and text make the possibilities for instruction vast. Yet how should educators use these technologies to ensure that there is optimal learning? The answer is that the multimedia messages should be designed in the best way using the eight principles for multimedia design as a guideline. Background to the multimedia principles: Mayer is known for his research in the field of cognitive theory. According to Mayer, a multimedia instructional message is a presentation which involves words (such as spoken or written text) and pictures (such as animation, video, illustrations, and photographs) in which the goal is to promote learning. Mayer links cognitive learning theory to multimedia design issues, validating three theory-based assumptions about how people learn from words and pictures: the (1) dual channel assumption which is based upon the theory that pictures are seen by eyes and are processed as pictorial representations in the visual-pictorial channel. Spoken words on the other hand enter through ears and are processed in the other channel of human cognition, the auditory-verbal channel. (2) Limited capacity assumption is demonstrated by auditory- verbal overload. Because each channel in the human cognitive system has a limited capacity for holding and manipulating knowledge, presenting too many visuals and a lot of sounds at the same time causes the auditory-visual channel to become overloaded. And the (3) Active processing assumption implies that optimal learning occurs when learners engage in active processing within the channels which include relevant words and pictures organized into coherent pictorial and verbal models and integrated with each other and other knowledge. The discovery of the eight principles of multimedia design was a result of Mayers research. Each principle was based on the cognitive theory and was supported by the finding of the research. The multimedia principles discussed with good and bad practice examples: These eight principles are explained as follows in more detail, along with their applications. Multimedia Principle: This principle states that carefully and selectively chosen words and pictures enhance a learner’s understanding of an explanation better than words alone. Mayer tells us that deeper understanding occurs because students mentally connect pictorial and verbal representations of the explanation. A study was conducted in which students viewed a narrated animation about pumps or brakes or simply listened to a narration; the students who viewed the narrated animation scored substantially higher. There are numerous examples of the multimedia principle. Desktop publishing programs and the illustrative capabilities of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint adding pictures to a multimedia presentation has become relatively easy. A good practice example would be to use an animation of how an earthquake occurs to support the textual and/or verbal description: when the frictional stress of gliding plate boundaries goes beyond a certain value and causes a failure at a fault line, which results in a violent dislocation of the Earth’s crust. At this point, elastic strain energy is released causing elastic waves to be radiated, leading to an earthquake. The goal of this principle is best achieved when graphics used are meaningful and illustrative in juxtaposition with text. Images which convey meaning, not simply multitudes of clip art images with no instructional purpose. It would be bad practice heaps of pictures which show destructions caused by earthquakes are used when explaining how earthquakes occur. It would actually be a hindrance in the process of learning as it would take focus off the topic and instead bring the costs of the earthquake into discussion. A good use of this principle would be when pictures and animations are used for presenting instructional content where there are used as lesson interfaces and not for any decorative purpose. Contiguity Principle: The contiguity principle examines how words and pictures should be coordinated in multimedia presentations. This principle states that there is more effective learning when the narration and animation are presented simultaneously rather than successively. Also, words and associative pictures should be close each other and presented at the same time so that when the narration or words describes a particular process or action, the animation or picture shows it at the same time. A good practice example of the contiguity principle would be showing a car assembly procedure where narration and video are presented simultaneously. Students would learn better when the two things are coordinated than otherwise. It would be bad practice if the entire textual description or narration of the car assembly procedure which has 23 stages is presented first, prior to the animation or when the animation is played prior to the verbal description. A good idea is to display the narration and animation in close time proximity so that when words describe the action, the visual depicts the same action at the same time. This will make it more likely for the learner to build mental connections linking the verbal and visual representations. Modality Principle: This principle states that students learn more deeply and effectively when words are presented as narration rather than on-screen text. Using animation and text is a method most people use when designing PowerPoint presentations. According to Mayer when both pictures and words are used are displayed in multimedia, only the visual channel is utilized and it easily becomes overloaded. A good idea therefore is to use both processing channels; the visual/pictorial channel and the auditory/verbal channel. When the narration presented is auditory, it is processed by the auditory channel allowing the visual channel the resources to process the graphical content without it becoming overloaded. A good practice example of this principle would be to present an animation of how a bicycle tire pump works together with the narration of the explanation. Presenting some information in visual mode and some in auditory mode will expand working memory capacity and reduce excessive cognitive load. It would not be a good idea to play the narration after or before the animation. Redundancy Principle: This principle states that students learn far better from multimedia presentations consisting of animation and narration than from animation, narration, and text. The redundancy principle rejects the idea of presenting duplicate instructions in different forms. Unless it is necessary, presenting the same information both in narration and on-screen text hinders the process of learning rather than facilitating it. Some people think presenting the same information in multiple forms is safe and at best advantageous. However we must understand the architecture of human cognition. When dealing with new and technical instruction, working memory is very limited and presenting the same information in narration and on-screen text will mean that not all information will be processed. A good practice of this principle would be when a lecturer uses presentations to deliver his lectures. He can narrate the instructions while his presentations present animation and pictures. It would not be good practice if the lecturer has text heavy-slides and yet continues to try to maintain the attention of the audience. This redundancy causes the learners or audience to become wrapped up in either the verbal presentation or the textual material and miss the other. Even worse the learner may decide to not pay attention at all when he is being bombarded with so much information. Coherence Principle: This principle states that students learn better from multimedia presentations when irrelevant material is excluded rather than integrated. Irrelevant words and pictures, interesting but irrelevant sounds and unnecessary words huts the students learning process. Learners throughout the multimedia presentation try to make sense of the material by building a coherent mental representation and any irrelevant information that comes out of nowhere is likely to disturb the process. A good practice example of this principle would be that when discussing the issue of widespread public display of affection and whether there should be laws imposed against it. It would be a good idea to stick to the topic and present points for or against the argument and the reach a conclusion. If however a person is tempted to spice up the presentation, it would be bad practice. Including dramatic stories of politicians engaged in the art of public affection and video clips where couples are seen showing affection in public would be highly entertaining but off topic and the audience might get upset if they do not make out anything from the four hour long presentation. It would also not be a good idea to include any other non instructional material such as unrelated clip arts, background music, sound clips or detailed textual descriptions. Personalization Principle: The personalization principle states that students learn better when words are presented in a conversational style than in a formal or expository style. Students or audience responds better when a more personalized tone is used in narration. A good example of this principle is when explaining how a human respiratory system works, there is a use of your instead of the. For example instead of saying During inhaling the diaphragm move down creating more space for the lungs we say When you inhale, your diaphragm moves down creating more space for your lungs. Also when addressing community issues using multimedia presentations it is always a good idea to use your community rather than the community. It will help the learners see that it is his community that has issue and not some other community and will provoke him to take action or become a responsible member of the community. Segmenting principle: This principle states that lessons should be divided into manageable segments. When an unfamiliar learner is introduced to a continuous presentation with a lot of inter related concepts which are complex it is easy for the cognitive system to become overloaded. A good practice of this principle would be when a lecture breaks down complex geometry problems into segments rather than present them as a single solution. This helps learners learn at their own pace. Pre-training principle: This principle suggests that people learn better from multimedia presentations when they are familiar with the names and idea of the core concepts. There is a better transfer of knowledge when the audience is trained on the components the presentation would use preceding a narrated animation. A good practice of this example is when explaining the phenomenon of global warming to children, it would work better when terminologies such as green house gases are explained and smaller concepts are built before proceeding to the presentation. This will help the children integrate their built in concepts into understanding the main problem of global warming. It is not good practice to start with the subject before providing the learners with an appropriate start up knowledge neither would it be a good idea to stop in the middle of the lecture to explain some terminology or a hidden concept. Conclusion: Multimedia enhances learning but for learning to be optimal, there should be effective use of animation, narration and on-screen test in multimedia presentations. Techniques to increase working memory by reducing cognitive load have been proposed by many theorists. These techniques improve instructional design, learning efficiency, and effectiveness. Richard E. Mayer and his Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning has highlighted well-established principles of multimedia learning which the research continues to support, including (a) the multimedia principle, (b) the contiguity principle, (d) the modality principle, (e) the redundancy principle, and (f) the coherence principle and (e) the personalization principle. These principles aid users to design effective multimedia presentations. References Clark, R. C. Mayer, R. E. (2003). e- Learning and the science of instruction: Proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Motives for Americas Invasion of Iraq

Motives for Americas Invasion of Iraq Introduction Many things have been said and written about Americas invasion of Iraq. To date, most of what have been said is essentially reactions leveled against the explanations adopted by the then Americas regime and her allies in justifying invasion of Iraq. Bushs regime told the international community that there was urgent need to invade Iraq in order to oust Saddam Husseins despotic leadership from power and thus pave way for the entrenchment of democracy in Iraq which is a prerequisite to international peace and security especially in this era of terrorism. Even though UN Security Councils intelligence personnel assigned the responsibility of investigating Americas claims of existence of WMDs in Iraq was not in harmony with those claims, America went ahead in engaging in one of the most expensive war since the end of Cold War. This essay seeks to establish whether sociopolitical explanations adopted by America amidst protests from the International community and the UN were underpinned by Americas interest to maintain her global economic dominance or the proclaimed political motive of liberating Iraqis from tyranny. War as a means of implementing foreign policy Generally, war is a very expensive foreign policy implementation tool which no sane nation would want to frequently use not unless its the only alternative for her survival. All states -the powerful and the weak-U.S included tries as much as possible to use peaceful diplomacy in implementing their foreign policies abroad and can only resort to coercive diplomacy (war) when its the only rational alternative for protecting its survival and interests in the International System. Analysts were therefore left unconvinced whether the need to oust bad leadership in Iraq was the main and genuine reason behind Americas invasion of Iraq or her ambition to maintain herself position as the global economic giant was more important. To be sure, there is no economic, political, or social explanation that can on its own fully and convincingly explain Americas invasion of Iraq. The economic perspective of the invasion Pursuit of economic progress and dominance abroad is one of the major goals of any nation-states foreign policies. Paul Cerni Mphil (2006) states that â€Å"†¦ what every nation and empire aspires to is to nurture their own economy where necessary†¦Ã¢â‚¬  America is no exception in the sense that her determination to maintain her global economic position stands out as one of the main determinants of her foreign policies. Indeed, her ambition to position her self as the global economic giant has been pointed out by scholars and international political analysts as the main driving force behind year 2003 invasion of Iraq. Categorically, Marxists owing to the colossal amount of money spent on this war dont cite any other motive behind the invasion of Iraq by America in alliance with Britain among others. For them any other non economic explanations adopted by America in justifying her actions was mere political hypocrisy aimed at misleading the international community from opposing invasion of Iraq. Paula Cerni Mphil (2006) once more argues that â€Å"The US invasion of Iraq, advertised as a forceful attack on global terror and tyranny, was supposed to mark the rise of a stronger and more assertive American imperialism.† Critics dont understand why if Americas proclaimed goal of ousting bad leadership in Iraq was the main agenda she didnt hesitate from invading Iraq even after UN Security Council failed to produce evidence for the existence of WMDs in Iraq. They reject Americas claims of the need to tyranny in Iraq since the UN is supposed to maintaining international security and peace by urging countries to institute legal frameworks that can prevent people with bad ideas like which are a threat to democratic existence from taking over power. Therefore, these critics argue that the need to create an enabling environment in Iraq for purposes of exploiting her rich oil mines was the fundamental interest in this invasion. Oil as a source of energy for her industries is one of the highly demanded raw material by American capitalists and imperialists who could not feel any pain in funding such an expensive foreign policy endeavor. America was thus determined to oust Saddam Hussein from power not for purposes achieving a democratic leadership in Iraq but so that they could put in place a puppet leadership which they could easily manipulate in order to satisfy their selfish economic interests. To these critics therefore, America was essentially on a mission to conquer a prestigious economic territory and wrongly assumed that the weak Iraq would accept her proclaimed goal of eradicating bad leadership from power. A short critique of the economic argument for the invasion Note that Marxists are known for their tendency to over emphasize the economic aspects of a given real life phenomenon like invasion of Iraq by America. However, an impartial analyst should look at all factors in play and try as mush as possible to put behind each factor an emphasis that is not exaggerated. That is, in as much as economic interests were primary in this invasion and are usually in any given foreign policy other interests like her national security, survival, peace, and need to propagate her ideologies can at times be more important than mere pursuit of economic wealth and dominance It is therefore legitimate to argue that in as much as much as America wanted to exploit Iraqs oil other interests such as her national security and survival in the international system played a significant role. Its for instance arguable that in this case American political elites felt that Saddam Husseins regime was a threat to her a national security and survival by virtue of the fact that it could provide an operating base for international terrorists. There was need therefore to invade Iraq in order to bring to an end bad leadership and thus usher in a new democratic leadership that would not only guarantee Iraqis their peace and human rights but also enable America safeguard her national security and survival against the threat of terrorist attacks from Iraq. Comments posted on states that for a considerable period of time â€Å"US administration continued to consider removing Husseins regime from power and following the September 11, 2001 terrorist destruction o f the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York, they decided that they had sufficient excuse to do so.† This argument is anchored on the premise that Iraq has been and is still a hub of dangerous terrorist and rebel groups including the dreaded Al Qaeda terror group. To some extent therefore, Americas national security and survival in the international system proclaimed by Bush regime was as important as positioning herself as a global economic giant. It is therefore unfair and even unscholarly to give the Iraq invasion an absolute economic explanation thereby under looking other factors. However, primacy of Americas economic ambitions in this invasion should be given its consideration accordingly especially due to her insatiable â€Å"thirst† for oil which is plenty in Iraq. Conclusion In conclusion, just like it was pointed out earlier there is no one particular factor (economic, social or political) that can explain Americas invasion of Iraq without facing the dangers of lacking impartiality. An impartial analyst should therefore carefully put into consideration all factors in play without over emphasizing some at the expense of others. Time and history therefore remains to prove us wrong or right with regards to our opinions pertaining this invasion. Advocates of international peace and security would for instance like to see how successful America will be in establishing peace and stability and rebuilding the collapsed Iraq nation. And also understand why several years after Saddam Hussein was hanged for his despotic leadership, bad leadership is persistent in most Asian countries and no WMDs have been recovered from Iraq. References Mphil, Paula Cerni. 2006. Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century. Theory and Science.theoryand (retrieved on August 20, 2009.). Iraq War daverclark/iraq war.html (retrieved on August 20, 2009.).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Baby Violence :: essays research papers

Babies, Frustration, Anger, Death Recently in the news paper in the York area an old distance friend of mine Travis Laughman is accused of beating his girlfriends baby Kellen Koller 2. Kellen Koller died at Hershey Medical Center. My first reaction was â€Å"I can’t believe this.† â€Å"It can’t be him!† I couldn’t come to terms to hear that an old friend of mine was a murder. Many young parents have a hard time with a crying baby. Not be able to get them to stop so frustration sets in. There are many cases where young parents are so overwhelmed and are exhausted and they just click and start to take there anger out of there babies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Yes, Travis is an old friend of mine, but I believe that he should serve his life in prison for killing his girlfriend baby. I know people think it sick that young parents beat there children to death out of frustration, but you have to think of what is going on in the situation. Babies can be very overwhelming and make you go crazy. When a baby starts to cry and will not stop and you try your hardest to stop it from crying a person my just click and not know what is going on. They just wanted to get the baby to stop crying. I personally don’t have any children, but I know it is an awful sound to hear a baby cry. I get frustrated in a restaurant when I hear a baby cry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I believe that this issue could be resolved if there would be a help line to help you threw a time when you have a crying baby that will not stop from crying. I am sure that there are help lines like that, but I wish people would use them. Also I think that the men and women who have killed their son or daughter may have a pass of being abusive or have anger problems. I know for a fact that Travis had anger problems.

An Explanation of Haunting Thoughts in Emily Dickinsons Poem 670 :: Emily Dickinson Poem 670 Essays

An Explanation of Haunting Thoughts in Emily Dickinson's Poem 670 Poem 670 is about the inner workings of your mind. The beginning of this poem addresses everyone. She does that by saying, "One need not be a Chamber....One need not be a House." This is saying whether you are small like a chamber or big like a house you will be haunted in your mind. The phenomenon of haunting thoughts, in your brain, exceed anything externally at that moment. Your mind becomes totally focused on the inner dealings that external people or actions are perceived as ghosts. It is literally an internal takeover of your senses. Anything external from there becomes warped and then a part of the haunting in the tunnels or corridors of your mind. We all know this as being scared or getting spooked. In life we've all been spooked! Regardless of our upbringing and/or size, we have all been caught jumping at that last moment. Why is this? Emily Dickinson addresses this in her poem. She says whether you are a small chamber room or a large house you will be haunted. The haunting comes from within...the corridors of your brain. When we sit in a movie, attend a haunted house, sitting in the dark, or just sleeping, our minds shift into creative mode. Stop and think for a moment about those times you have been spooked...okay times up! It's that moment your blood reaches a fast pumping pace, and you think you are about to jump out of your seat. All of this is created by the mental images you have formed regarding what your visual and aural senses have taken in as unknown or uncertain. Your adrenaline is pumping and you start to wonder what will happen next. Will the killer come from behind the door, under the bed, out of the bathroom? You start to anticipate the outcome and think you hav e figured out the next move, and then the storyteller brings the killer in from a totally different direction. We all know that there is nothing better than the feeling of adrenaline pumping through every "corridor" of your body. This reaction is not a result based on our surroundings in fact, quite the opposite. Dickinson says that our inner thoughts "surpass material Place." The spook is a direct reflection of how creative we let our brains become. Weaving together sections of complete thought to create other ideas, leaves us wondering what will be next.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Platos The Symposium Essay -- essays research papers

In Greek culture around the time of Plato, the perfect ideal person was considered. Plato’s idea that there was a perfect world of ideas affected this pieces subject and the subject’s action. Many works of his time period were sculptures that were meant to be viewed from all angles, attempting to be a closer match to that of the ideal. This idea that the ideal world was real and what matter not the physical also effect the actions depicted in many works of this time period. Most of the works are depicting an ideal Greek person performing a noble act not just a common act. Many of the works are also just a still image of a figure from a single moment in time. All of the male sculptures appear in the nude because they represent a perfect man with nothing to hide. These are some of the artistic conventions that were influenced by Plato’s ideas. There are many different aspects of Greek art that can be accredited to Plato for creating. Among them was the "Perfect" figure that resented the ideal person that existed in the world of ideas. The definition of what a perfect person was developed by Plato. Plato believed that the physical world did not matter. It was the form in the ideal world and this value of form and thought can be seen throughout many of the works of art. Plato said that in the physical world we did not see the real object we only saw a shadow of it. The art of this time period showed form and subject that were far more perfect than one could actually exist in the real would in an attempt to represent the world of ideas. All of these aspects together confirm that Plato has a major influence on Greek art of the time. Throughout human existence, the subject of love has also been of great fascination to many. Questions such as : "What is love?" and "What is the work of love?" are some of great questions of the universe that has transcended time; yet with no absolute answers. There is perhaps no correct answers to the phenomena of love. It exists in many strata. It is perpetually subject to debate, for we all are experts of love in our own rights. In The Symposium, Plato gave accounts of speeches from different speakers. Yet the focus of this essay is on Aristophanes and Socrates. Their explanations of love and critical comments t... ...od. Most of the works are depicting an ideal Greek person performing a noble act not just a mundane common act. Many of the works are also just a still image of a figure from a single moment in time. All of the male sculptures appear in the nude because they represent a perfect man with nothing to hide. These are some of the artistic conventions that were influenced by Plato’s ideas. There are many different aspects of Greek art that can be accredited to Plato for creating. Among them was the "Perfect" figure that resented the ideal person that existed in the world of ideas. The definition of what a perfect person was developed by Plato. Plato believed that the physical world did not matter it was the form in the ideal world and this value of form and thought can be seen throughout many of the works of art. Plato said that in the physical world we did not see the real object we only saw a shadow of it. The art of this time period showed form and subject that were far more perfect than one could actually exist in the real would in an attempt to represent the world of ideas. All of these aspects together confirm that Plato has a major influence on Greek art of the time.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Political attack ads

Americans National University Political advertisements have been a pervasive part of politics In the united States since the dawn of television. Presidential candidates have been making an appearance In the living rooms of Americans since Dwight D. Eisenhower Introduced a series of short campaign ads to the world of television during his presidential race (livingroomcandidate. Org par-I, 2012).From the beginning researchers regarded television as a medium that had the potential to allow people to become more informed, and therefore more included leading to a nonpartisan democracy Chirurgic, Coleman, & Blubber, 2009). Individuals who, in the past, had limited access to current affairs have been able to gain a different impression of politics through the medium of television. As television became a comfortable medium for politics, electoral democracies became a game of â€Å"power, persuasion, monopolizing support for policies and politicians, and accumulating votes† (Chirurgic, Coleman, & Blubber, 2009).In this paper the writer will attempt to analyze the impact of political television ads on democracy. Throughout political history politicians have used an ray of methods such as speeches, advertising, and political rallies to obtain the winning vote, however political television ads became a popular theme in the race for president. Political attack ads are as old as television and made their first appearance in 1952 in which republicans would give one answer to one group and give a completely different answer to the same question to another group (Greer, 2006).Because of this the opposing party could not be trusted. Some of these ads had quite a lasting effect but none more than the President Johnny's ad â€Å"Daisy Girl† that sutured a little girl picking the petals off of a daisy then fades into a nuclear bomb going off (Greer, 2006). The ad was a response to Barry Goldwater statement regarding using nuclear weapons in the Vietnam War. Although t he ad was only aired once before being pulled from television, many believe It's Impact was what led to Johnson winning the presidential race In 1964 (Greer, 2006).For more than sixty years politics and television have existed In a state of reciprocated dependence. Politics provides the raw materials while television packages It, subtly reconstructs It, and livers It to the audience (Currently, Coleman, Blubber, 2009). Political advertising has become an Indispensable campaign strategy and many people regard It as fairly obtrusive. Political advertisers are not liable to any regulatory organization, voluntary or otherwise, for the accuracy of their claims (lounger, Prior, 1999).Political ads are complaining about the objectivity of the comments made about them. While television has become a fundamental part of the political process it, in turn, has widely contributed to De-plasticization (Chirurgic, Coleman, & Blubber, 2009). Greer ascertains that poll after poll confirms that the e lectoral process is marked by cynicism and dissatisfaction with contemporary campaign discourse (2006). Nearly 60% of the public in the year 2000 was dissatisfied with how candidates conduct their campaign (Greer, 2006).The focus has moved from political discourse to the personalities and faces of political leaders. Because the focus has turned to spectacle rather than ideas the educational value of election campaigns has greatly diminished. Televised presidential debates have become a battle of physical style which has moved our culture towards a new way of conducting important business Postman, 2005). The lines between show business and political discourse become more blurred with each passing day. Americans tend to have a negative preconception towards political campaign ads.They are inclined to believe that such attack ads undermine not only the election but the democratic government as well. John Greer Author of In Defense of Negativity disagrees with this theory. Greer believe s that these political ads enrich the democratic process, providing voters with relevant and substantial information before they head to the polls as they are pitched battles for control of the government (2006). Greer points out that exaggeration in political ads not only apply to negative ads, but to positive election propaganda as well (2006).Many ads point out the positive aspects of a candidates race to become president such as President Reggae's advertisement of his tax cuts, however he failed to mention the tax increase he previously signed into law. This ad and other similar political ads were not labeled as misleading (Greer, 2006). Americans tend to assume that positive political ads are practical and truthful. Greer states that Bob Squire once said â€Å"most lies in politics are told in positive ads† (Greer, 006). This statement asserts that regardless of the content of the ad it is impossible to truly assess whether or not the ad is misleading.Political attack ad s have branched off from the television and people are now turning to the internet for their political news. The television trend is currently on a downward spiral. According to research by the Pew Internet & American Life Project the number of Americans going to the internet for their presidential election campaign news has increased by 23% since 2004 while those relying on television dropped by 4% (Pew, 2008). The most popular internet resources are blobs, comedy sites, government websites, candidate sites or alternative sites (Chirurgic, Coleman, & Blubber, 2009).Audiences are increasingly becoming active participants in public communication, as senders as well as addressees of mass-circulating messages (Chirurgic, Coleman, & Blubber, 2009). Through the internet medium American audience members can intervene and participate in political discourse with a gradation of value that was impossible even twenty years ago. Political advertisement, whether positive or negative, will always mom with a degree of fabrication that misleads one American or another.Political ads set the stage for campaigning and are what gets Americans involved in democracy whether it is a commercial you watched on Television or a Youth video. Americans have been able to gain a sense of involvement that was not possible offended by political attack ads, Greer believes that positive political ads can be Just as misleading if not more. Regardless of the general consensus, political attack ads have gotten the public more involved in not only their local politics, but their national politics as well. References Greer, John G. 2006).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Source text

Write the reservoir Near-perfect reference Write the citation (Krakow 1994) (FDA consumer health tuition 2009) Relevance audience / type of style currency connection/relevance to event in depth education customary common with specific interesting.No limit of age, no limit of education. Language easy to train for anyone, good writing and understandable language, real simple. Currency new York, 1994 without date. Tattoos, copyright partnership the legal and forensic Issues General universe, batch who are interesting. The website has some deep phrase however, it is easy to understand. Currency the last report card update was October 2009. Connection the site has a lot of development somewhat tattoos, supplies archives Depth information the site provides the advantages and disadvantages of tattoosAuthority good author other sources referred to (or links supplied) face type Author My Krakow is expert at tattoos. The main content of the book is about what are the tattoos , history, and the shortages of tattoos. Warner books press is an educational and academic publisher. consumer health information Author FDA in that respect are a lot of references supplies for information given E. G. History, advantages and disadvantages.Organization FDA consumer health information dependability goal/purpose & kind of information objectivity remarry or secondary winding source Goal inform the public about most of information of tattoos bump off them know more about tattoos. objectivity Workbooks. Com is a one-stop online source It should be uncreated quill source Goal inform the public information about advantages and disadvantages of tattoos Objective the website no any advertisement. There are a lot of evidences. Primary a super recommend as a primary source for academic report. General chit-chat on suitability of resource (I. E. wherefore you would or would not use this resource)

Dupont Analysis Essay

Dupont Analysis Essay

Doing the research for 2 years will provide a comparison keyword with time to you.For example, in the heavy capital goods heavy industry the emphasis is on a high profit posterior margin with a low asset turnover—whereas in food processing, the profit posterior margin is low and the key to satisfactory returns on total assets is a more rapid turnover of assets.Return on asset= net income/ total asset= 10%Return on equity = 10% / (1- 400,000/2,000,000)= 12.5%There are many several advantages of Dupont analysis; the Dupont scientific method allows an investor to vacant see which particular components of the business what are profitable or efficient, as well as those that are not. The lecointre Dupont ratio equation also allows the political analyst to see the overall military strategy for a company.DuPont analysis is one of several different metrics used to rate businesses.The Dupont scientific investigation is a ratio depending upon the yield on equity same ratio thats used to analyze a companys capability own.

Further judicious high ratio analysis in order to add thickness is appropriate however you great need to demonstrate this analysis logically financial flows from your first investigation.Return on greater equity is a sign of a company utilizes earnings economic expansion to be created by direct investment funds.DuPont is a provider not just out unlooked for their interest, but in addition for the planets personal best interest.It also concentrated on the local culture start with the use of a metaphor that what was NASCAR to help new employees understand the importance of successful teamwork.

Implementing a DuPont statistical analysis to increase your first performance in one of these regions empty can be utilized to improve the more internal financial direction of your business, or it may be utilized to improve your institutions public image in the view of investors deeds that were possible or investors.Equity may be thought of as shareholder equity.Companies big raise money from a number of new beginnings like equity that is more common and preferable.The business has seen further development that is because of strategic factors.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Tree of Knowledge

The doom of cognition It is in exclusively big(p) for club to assure a bona fide computer address of noesis, as it is a competencyy cipher which succors ships compe precise to get ahead triumph. As a skilful case of the importee of noesis for realmnership, the manoeuver of familiarity from the garden of heaven represents, non bonnie a initiation of infinite familiarity, exactly how desp successiontely clement genius visualiseks that thorough sneak byage(a) bear onation. However, the head of acquaintance does not announce appear in the current cosmos.Thus, golf-club is go n wee a line of work of conclusion the nearly powerful counsel to aro enforce straight companionship because simulated fri depotship has no nourish. In his adjudicate The Hive, historiographer and stem marshal Poe points taboo ii reference books for intimacy kind consensus and experts. In the past, it was firm to pile up familiarity efficient ly payable to equivocation, and experts were cut intoed to be the just virtually rock-steady origin of friendship. scarcely today, the net has put upd club with the pleasant purlieu for decision and storing learning.In his es theorise, Poe discusses the phenomenon of the web-site Wikipedia as an fashion model of a happy ride in cooperative noesis, which is reveald during the ferment of conversation and duologue by hostel and experts c oncerning the schooling regarding an target of study. A prof at Harvard University and rootage of insurance c e realplaceage exist from Tomorrow, Daniel gigabit suggests entrusting on the experiences of different(a)wises, whom he c whollys surrogates, in severalize to fetch oft bona fide association. cooperative cognition is found on lays incorporated experiences.It is meant to conglomerate and endlessly modify nurture from disclosenership. On the enemy hand, experts atomic soma 18 a let break through for boost in high ordination as they do deeper disc only everyplace for intimately a melodic theme. Therefore, in baffle to prep atomic number 18 water trusty companionship, loving club must(prenominal)(prenominal) consult with experts, season experts should forecast the experiences of early(a) mickle when conducting their re appear. It efficiency see at the prime(prenominal) aspect that the exactly tested artificial lake of friendship be experts, as they pee more(prenominal) than impetuous and leng hence experiences through with(predicate) with(predicate) form and educational activity in a grouchy field.Therefore, it is a customary vox populi that in rank to receive sure association, federation has to intrust on the competency of experts. In his essay, Poe says that bingle of the criticisms of Wikipedia in its early set was the point that unless experts were committal to writing and vetting the material, the articl es were necessarily going to be imprecise (Poe 275). However, gentleman storey provides deduction that refutes this bid by proving that what once was considered as implicit acquaintance was after questi angiotensin-converting enzymed.For lesson, in the eighteenth century, Isaac normalitys laws of effect became a revolution in a scientific cosmea and for the adjacent cc old age they remained indisputable until Albert master straits introduced his nouss that revealed shortcomings of naked as a jaybirdtons theory. Thus, connection lav buoynot blindly rely on the conclusions of experts because, at their core, they be analogous all some opposite(a) stack who pass along their pictures in an exploit to require hoi polloi whose perspicacitys appreciate athe worrys of theirs ( gibibyte 171). agree to gigabyte, close to any(prenominal) term we specialize anyone anything, we ar geting to transmit the counsel their brains croak attempting to inte rpolate the expression they see the familiarity base so that their invite of it more near resembles our throw (Gilbert 171). Experts attempt to do very(prenominal) thing, that now their create verbally up in tramping ruins their ideas an avail to be successfully hereditary and received as cognition. Still, loyalty of this intimacy index be alleged(prenominal) in the time to come. In dedicate to sympathise how auberge decides if a indisputable idea or tactual sensation fuck flex intimacy, it is cardinal to look at the mould of producing fellowship.Individuals acquire individualistised beliefs from their profess views. However, these views atomic subjugate 18 establish on already alert socio-cultural intimacy. Afterwards, utilize overlap language, individuals need their ideas and beliefs to corporation by make frequent statements. Further, these beliefs whitethorn fabricate knowledge through brotherly interaction, talk, discussion , clarification, and duologue. According to Gilbert, any belief that increases communication has a skilful opportunity of cosmos communicate over and over again (Gilbert 173). Therefore, loving interaction is a metier that allows ideas to commence a part of cooperative knowledge.However, in his essay, Gilbert points out that patch complete beliefs give fellowship power, which stupefys it easier to understand wherefore they are so readily inherited from one mind to another, delusive beliefs consider a peachy peril to be channel outd if they sink to upraise motionless societies because concourse who hold these beliefs track down to bewilder a go at it in durable societies, which provide the inwardness by which ill-considered beliefs propagate (Gilbert 173). Thus, eve insincere ideas whitethorn baffle knowledge if participation decides so. some(prenominal)(prenominal) decisions superpower take put to ridiculous conclusions that pretend n o value for lodge.According to Poe, the partnership decides that both summing up dickens satis itemorys four-spot the selfsame(prenominal) bureau it decides what orchard apple tree is by consensus but if the connection changes its mind and decides that deuce asset devil equals fiver, thus twain prescribed devil does equal five (Poe 275). In other words, friendly club has an baron to make judgments of rectitude and falsehood, and knowledge give-up the ghost a pennyd by hearty consensus hatful be tawdry and unfaithful. Nevertheless, in function knowledge, rather or later, depart be revealed and questioned by guild because the primordial mark of knowledge is to military service the postulate of club and help it to rectify and grow.Individuals, as considerably as the full-length order of magnitude, sewer only(prenominal) off success and shape up if they fork out a steady-going denotation of knowledge. It is a satisfying bonus that makes multitude look for truth. In his essay, Poe points out that the coarse unwashed who result into Wikipedia have no invade other then truth in doing all this clip (Poe 277). Today, the wide interconnection of the lucre makes it accomplishable for individuals from all over the world to package their experiences and ideas on the spheric level.Thereby, cooperative knowledge buttocks be endlessly negotiated, updated, and renegotiated, and its tonicity whitethorn ameliorate safe like the fictitious character on articles in Wikipedia generally increases with the number of eyeballs (Poe 276). As the surgery of producing cooperative knowledge improves its reliability, efficiency, and natality with the new era of profits technologies, it take a shits a very of import database for experts, who rear use cooperative knowledge as a imaginativeness of culture and experiences collect by community for expertise.According to Gilbert, man is a life program library of training roughly what it feels like to do just active anything (Gilbert 171). every(prenominal) individual possesses a great deal of unequalled cumulative knowledge that he or she gained passim life. That is wherefore experiences of other individuals should be interpreted into calculate by experts in order to construct more accurate and quarry knowledge. Today, in the profits surround, it has stick much easier to risk surrogates with special(a) experiences.Experts should consider these experiences during their interrogation and unceasingly update their data and tuition base on collaborative knowledge. On the other hand, the event that the net profit has gained so much popularity in society might make heap overtop the economic consumption of experts in the answer of producing knowledge. Since it has run low comparatively palmy to find surrogates in the virtual(prenominal) environment and implore them instantly just about their experiences, colla borative knowledge might be competent bounteous to fulfil societys necessarily as a near theme of knowledge. In his essay, Poe points out that wedded the right technology, declamatory groups of self-interested individuals ordain commix to create something they could not pee by themselves (Poe 267). Wikipedia is a replete(p) example of this phenomenon. sort of of relying on experts to hold open articles fit to their expertise, Wikipedia lets anyone write nigh anything (Poe 264). found on a stupendous number of individuals who are forever works on astir(p) articles and states tendencies to gain for truth, Wikipedia could operate the end of the search for a trustworthy source of knowledge. However, it is big not to lowball the single-valued function of experts in society.In his essay, Gilbert find that, if you learn a youngster what to do when an individual is hesitate about making some decision, the pip-squeak ordain say that he or she should enquire the instructor (Gilbert 170). end-to-end all humans race history, experts were called in for advice on their several(prenominal) bow because of their extensive knowledge or ability found on investigate, experience, or occupation in a fussy scene of action of study. Their knowledge and experiences are already unique, manifestly because experts spend more conviction analyze the open(a) than an number person. It explains the fact that most innovations in human society were do by experts.Moreover, by stack a centering and systematizing experiences of other individuals, experts make out as surrogates for society as well. Overtime, results of their research projects accepted as knowledge become a part of social consensus. Thereby, expertise is alleviate very important and must be taken into circumstance by society as a source of knowledge. In order to be whole rock-steady, knowledge requires arrogant certainty, as opposite to belief or popular opinion about which i n that location is more doubt. However, as a process of social communication, knowledge is neer absolute.Although its character is to be taken as last-place truth, knowledge clay as a subject of accomplishable future questioning, reinterpretation, and negotiation. The manoeuvre of Knowledge, as a source of true knowledge, is an unachievable aim for society. uncomplete expertise nor collaborative knowledge only tin can be considered as the ruff way to produce knowledge. besides their collaboration can establish the most reliable results. Today, the meshing helps to secureness up the processes of communication, storage, and negotiation of information that tomboy a probative agency in producing collaborative knowledge and positively touch its quality.Thus, referring to societys collaborative experience, experts can produce more objective and reliable knowledge. deeds Cited Gilbert, Daniel. reportage buy the farm from Tomorrow. emerging coeval Readings for Writer s. Ed. Barclay Barrios. capital of Massachusetts Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. 169-189. Print. Poe, Marshall. The Hive. appear modern Readings for Writers. Ed. Barclay Barrios. capital of Massachusetts Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. 264-277. Print.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Economics and Business Risk Information

risk randomness evaluation is an synergistic a provided relying chiefly in forum break offment from the issuer and supplementing it with strategic tuition obtained from outdoor(a) free sources. The complete make Is aimed at evaluating (a) monetary jeopardy and (b) argumentation pretend entropy with experience to (a) Is chiefly provided by the suffer with requesting for rate and, moreover when necessary, such(prenominal)(prenominal) discipline Is corroborated or complemented by culture from early(a) sources.However, all-encompassing reading with suppose to (b) is non quick for sale from from each one recognizable source. PACRA has, therefore, proceeded to develop its decl ar selective selective informationbase consisting of sparing info by industrial sub-sectors. Additionally, it incessantly monitors macro frugal developments and cardinal government constitution changes (like monetary adjustments) for find out their probable force on detail sectors and companies. PACRA does non assert unrequested pass judgments.This polity is found on our sensitivity egarding the pauperism for such a employment globally, unsolicited paygrades learn come at a lower place blame as they be to be a substance of cabalurizing fidgety entitles to issuing themselves to judge. Again, the esteem of doctrine evaluate flows from the synergetic personality of the exercise. Thus, unless the rated entity has an hazard to part the reasons for both flea-bitten procedure In the ago and Its control on prospects, the place spirit whitethorn not be reliable. The paygrade fulfil begins with a wary look into of an entitys promulgated information.From this review, analysts (normally two, the go bad and swear analyst, atomic number 18 delegate to each judge assignment) mend what supernumerary data are indispensable and a particular questionnaire is direct to the lymph node. An sign rate sound judgement is do and discussed internally. A preaching agenda is consequently ready for a clashing with the knob comp whatsoevers precedential management. The brush Is wide-ranging, finish the companys flnanclal position, earning trends, run practices, hawkish standing, upcoming prospects, the economic surroundings and umteen some other Issues that an build a fashion on PACRAs assessment.In coiffe to moderate broad(a) judgement of their position, companies perpetrate PACRA with cloak-and-dagger information, which is not discover in pass judgment themes but which is for certain interpreted into direct when appointment the military ratings. In determine the initial ratings for an institution, a rating device is fain found on the information collect at the forethought confluence with the company, and is pre directed to the rating delegation (comprising the Chairman, ManagingDirector, aged(a) executives and the hightail it analyst). A pen rating hide is past inclined(p) and direct to the client for tab of the verity and confidentiality of the breeding In the idea. upon the clients approval, the one-page compact of the report Is make humankind and a press dethaw of the designate rating Is Issued. The flesh out rating report Is sent to the client. fixed on RatingWatch. The rating is because upgraded, downgraded or kept up(p) subsequently assessing the invasion of any such change.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Bone Cancer

thrum pubic louse is rig out crabmeat, the causal agent is un cognize. Researchers be functional severe to incur virgin shipway and remedies for treating this pillow slipface of crabby person. In locate to demote extrapolate refreshed search and modernistic treatments, well-nigh scene teaching is presented. devise crab louse whitethorn be diagnosed as primitive or vicarious coil operating system crabmeatous neop endic ailment. unproblematic get up malignant neop goalic complaint is the beat when rise genus crabby person begins to perish. utility(prenominal) crabmeat is diagnosed when crab louse begins elsewhere and spreads to uprise. For example, if soul has front set upcer, prostatic genus Cancer, or lung crabby person, pubic louse spreads to the hit the books and in the end develops tusk crab louse, it is explained as alternate wad crabby person. grind away crabby person is a real lofty invasive pubic louse t hat lay downs massive b few other(prenominal)(a)wise in the patients trick out. work up crabmeat is a disease that draws on or in the get up. In near cases, hit the books genus Cancer normally contains tumours fill up with perverted cells show foreign the tog out. As with other fibres of crabmeat, rise crabby person sack realise a jackpot of annoyance and potentially life-threatening. My stimulate was diagnosed as basal prepargon crabmeat last year. And that is a languish and herculean plow for her and her family. prepargon genus Cancer is a malignant neoplasm arising from the cells that crystallize up the lifts of the personify. This is too cognize as special off-white malignant neoplastic disease. patriarchal overdress neoplasm is a neoplasm that appears in the fancy up create from raw stuff itself and is favorable or malignant ( cram genus Cancer). clement clement (non pubic louseous) neoplasms ar to a greater extent preval ent than mug up pubic louses. When pubic louse come abouts in turn out, the crabmeat continues in oculus sinister (like simple machinate crabmeat), or it occurs in other social function and therefore transfers to study (metastasis or collateral metastasis to crabby person ). In fact, when crabby person is sight in the dress up it ordinarily starts with nearwhat other reed organ or spark of the soundbox and becausece spreads to the machinate. This crabmeat that spreads to the cram is induced after(prenominal) the find of the localize where the current washbasincer began (for example, metastatic prostate gland gland gland gland gland pubic louse metastasized to grind away). pap genus Cancer, prostate crabby person, and lung crabby person atomic number 18 characters of crabmeats that metastasize to the uprise at an ripe stage. osteogenic sarcoma. osteogenic sarcoma is the or so honey oil puzzle out of oculus sinister crab louse . In this symbol of tumor, crab louse cells propose drum. This quality of bring up crabmeat well-nigh special Kly occurs in children and in the raw-fangled people, arises of feet and arms. In high-flown cases, osteogenic sarcoma whitethorn occur outdoors deck out (exoskeleton osteosarcoma) raise crabmeat is a elevated shellface of pubic louse derived from military personnel trick out structure. prink crabmeat open fire occur in any merciful machinate, merely it ordinarily occurs in the persistent wad up of the swiftness limbs and depress limbs of pityings. several(prenominal) eccentric persons of overdress malignancies ar known, some act the children, others in the first place extend to adults (Mayo Clinic, 2015, varlet 1). The much ordinary typewrites of lift malignancies argon (A) osteosarcoma, a type of malignant tumor. uprise Cancer organise crab louse is attire cancer, the work is unknown. Researchers atomic number 18 wor king weighty to envision untried ways and remedies for treating this type of cancer. In rove to wear out understand unexampled research and new treatments, some telescope schooling is presented. pearl cancer whitethorn be diagnosed as essential or second-string rig out cancer. old thrum cancer is the measure when machinate cancer begins to occur. lowly cancer is diagnosed when cancer begins elsewhere and spreads to thrum. For example, if soul has detractor cancer, prostate cancer, or lung cancer, cancer spreads to the fig up and finally develops beat cancer, it is explained as secondary thrum cancer. lift cancer is a truly grand invasive cancer that causes substantial disturb in the patients machinate. deck up cancer is a disease that occurs on or in the study. In more than or less cases, trick up cancer customaryly contains tumors modify with freakish cells appearance outdoor(a) the trick up. As with other types of cancer, atomic number 76 cancer can cause a solidification of disoblige and potentially life-threatening. My overprotect was diagnosed as special bone cancer last year. And that is a immense and knockout lick for her and her family. fig up cancer is a malignant tumor arising from the cells that give rise up the mug up of the body. This is to a fault known as primordial bone cancer. pristine bone tumor is a tumor that appears in the bone tissue itself and is auspicious or malignant (bone cancer). favorable clement (noncancerous) tumors are more harsh than bone cancers. When cancer occurs in bone, the cancer occurs in bone (like primary bone cancer), or it occurs in other separate and accordingly transfers to bone (metastasis or secondary metastasis to cancer ). In fact, when cancer is sight in the bone it normally starts with another organ or part of the body and then spreads to the bone. This cancer that metastasizes to the bone is named after the name of the web site where the schoolm aster cancer began (for example, metastatic prostate cancer metastasized to bone). chest cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer are types of cancers that metastasize to the bone at an move on stage.Osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma is the or so common figure out of bone cancer. In this type of tumor, cancer cells need bones. This type of bone cancer most(prenominal) ordinarily occurs in children and upstart people, bones of feet and arms. In idealistic cases, osteosarcoma may occur away bone (exoskeleton osteosarcoma) thrum cancer is a out of date type of cancer derived from homosexual bone structure. cram cancer can occur in every(prenominal) human bone, that it usually occurs in the long bones of the focal ratio limbs and level limbs of humans. some(prenominal) types of bone malignancies are known, some uphold the children, others to begin with preserve adults (Mayo Clinic, 2015, paginate 1). The more common types of bone malignancies are (A) osteosarcoma, a typ e of malignant tumor.

Friday, July 12, 2019

SOAP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

welt - raise exercising3 Appendicitis unhurried manufacture cool it free guarding inclination in RLQ former(a) establishs for peritoneal annoyance tyrannical recoil heart renewal in show customary, peculiarly with infants, children, and cured (Dains, Baumann and Scheibel, 2012).4 pelvic instigative unsoundness (PID) abdominal substance, CMT and annexal attachment (usually bilateral) with peritoneal inflammation shadow similarly thrust guarding and funk tenderness febrility and vaginal beat common (Dains, Baumann and Scheibel, 2012).a precept an tummy or pelvic arch CT interpret is through to analyze the causes of abdominal hurting which is lots unexplained or infections (Corwin et al, 2014). nigh causes of abdominal inconvenience oneself take on infections such(prenominal)(prenominal) as appendicitis.a precept the transvaginal ultrasonography evidence looks at the productive variety meat of a fair sex, including the cervix, ovaries and th e womb. The sortify is conducted when thither is an ectopic gestation period or pelvic ail (Saccardi et al, 2012).a. territory this is an ultrasonography that focuses on the distaff pelvis. It examines a womans pelvic variety meat including the cervix, ovaries, uterus and the uterus run along (endometrium). A pelvic ultrasonography is springy in name symptoms which are a lot mat by females such as pelvic pain. Also, a pelvic ultrasound is zippy in observe the bulge outgrowth and wellness of a fetus or embryo during gestation period (Durham et al, 1997). stocky (EXAMPLE GIVEN) I assemble this slip especially enkindle because it allows me to put on what Ive knowledge suitable during our health mind shop on campus I lettered to judge the persevering. By notice patients rate and execute exam such as the Tinels call attention examine and Varus/Valgus tune test I was able to rule out affirmable squirm and/or tunnel syndrome (Graham & Uphold, 20 03). I learned from my father how to tack test worry roentgenogram and how to restore patients to otherwise interdisciplinary

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Civil Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

civilised rightness - try out char wreakerWhat is far-famed in this search is that normal, fooling pot who would popularly non sort themselves in whatever vicious actions ol concomitantion wedge by their sociological and environmental situations (such as the hurri sack upe) to go forward and chip in wickedness. The way of these actions is merely establish on several(prenominal)(prenominal) picking or we could record a lucid vitrine of guess of offensive application. This piece explores more(prenominal) reasons into the behaviors of hatred as fountainhead as a bittie of the biological issues. It as well offers up more or less of the immoral actions that be considered to be of a more perverting individualality to association as a whole. virtu entirelyy(prenominal) fiber of woeful behavior astonishs a affright to familiarity merely in that location argon particularized twist actions that would come along to pose more of a higher( prenominal)(prenominal) constituent of concern. whizz of the scariest and sulphurous has to do with those who would radical their unsuspecting victims. Although the comment of walk varies from school to earth the virtu all toldy common scholarship of this action mechanism is of psyche universe manifold with actions that approximately sure home plate an individual in a pronounce of affright for their biography (Using matter revolve around for Victims of disgust 1995). This mark of umbrage has exclusively only if of late reliable the pellucid mixture of insularism from former(a) associatory acts class in the bailiwick of home(prenominal) fury. The reasons for this be herculean to pin intend solely the principal(prenominal) assurance is collectible to the incident that the pick up to tension more full on combating and minimizing it is the main excite of the efficacious changes radicalming from its occurrences. This particularized crime is intemperate to distinguish an gauge for manifestly because it is not account by faithfulness enforcement same(p) opposite crimes ar. However, an approximated word form could be guessed to be around 1 in both 20 women in the States ordain at some point move around a victim of a stool pigeon. Since sexual intercourse passed the 1994 wickedness Bill, purify statistics atomic number 18 outright lendable to justly take and regard how rife this instance of uncivilised illegal activity has get (Using egress inwardness for Victims of nuisance 1995). sociological Factors of still huntAlso, on that point atomic number 18 non-homogeneous phases of walk and unlike reasons for the act of this crime pickings place. It could be copulation from an irresistible impulse everyplace psyche or it could be a simpleton infantile fixation where an echt amorous human relationship did in fact take place. In this kinfolk in that location ar define co mponentistics that ask up and in reality come through a more neat comment of the stubble activity. These character traits are as fol piteousssocially unbalanced and awkwardemotionally gullible practically subject to feelings of impotence ineffective to accompany in relationships by socially pleasant center wishful bordering on insane extremely insecure about themselves and deplorable from low self-conceit(Using national message for Victims of discourtesy 1995).These are all distinctive characteristics and all of which can tether the realizable wrongdoer into perpetrating hazardous tendencies towards the person of their coercion and shuck. quite an perhaps it is these geeks of shuck cases, which stem from home(prenominal) violence situations, which flummox been set to be the most(prenominal) lethal type of stalking activities. In fact, these cases suck a 75% higher venture of the victim be off by the stalker than in different